Preschool Abeka Curriculum
Abeka focuses on the following areas:
- Bible stories and teaching, music, memory verses, and prayer time.
- Phonics, progressing from letter recognition and sounds to letter/word blending and reading.
- Number recognition from 1 to 20, counting 1 to 100, number value, simple math, and telling time.
- Printing upper and lower case, and number and word blends.
- Skills and character development, the arts, storytelling, listening, opposites, distinguishing location, differentiation of left and right, tying shoes, learning addresses, and phone numbers.
- Language development lessons in colors, shapes, animals, people, places, and things.

Preschool Requirements
- Children are required to have turned four-years-old before August 1st or September 1st depending on which school they will attend when entering kindergarten.
- Children must meet the requirements for Pennsylvania state School Immunization Law.
Typical Preschool Day
- Short directed free time as children arrive
- Opening: prayer, pledge of allegiance, and calendar
- Music time and Bible lesson
- Instructional session including poetry and the arts
- Snack and restroom break
- Additional instructional time includes games, movement, music, and seat work
- Recess and lunch
- Story/quiet time
- Afternoon instructional sessions include, computer, seat work, and learning centers
- Scripture memorization and prayer time
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