Men’s Ministry
Meeting Times
Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
Multipurpose Room
For more information about the Men’s Group, contact Rod King at 814-673-0142.

Mission & Purpose
Our mission is to see men gathering together under the authority of Jesus Christ for the purpose of pursuing a closer relationship with Him, our wives, our families, our church, and to be a Godly influence within the community.
In order to facilitate this mission, we study God’s word together, pray together, have fun together, and serve together.
Activities include:
- Canoe/Kayaking
- Fishing Trips
- Golf
- Skeet Shooting
- Road trips and conferences
- Monthly breakfast meetings with other men’s groups within the area.
Service projects include:
- Construction of wheelchair ramps.
- Moving/relocating of widows, widowers, handicap, and the elderly.
- Various home projects for those who are in physical and financial need.
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