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Hello Atlantic Avenue family.  Pastor Brad here.

I’m excited to share a special invitation with you . . . . Join us Friday, December 15 at 6 PM in the Family Center for a family-style dinner celebration!  Ham loaf will be provided—just bring your favorite side, dessert, or salad to share.

Sign-ups are available in our resource areas for food and for additional help with set-up, tear-down, and clean-up.  You could also choose to be a part of our first ever ornament exchange.  Simply bring a wrapped ornament.

Don’t miss this night of great food and sweet fellowship as we celebrate Christmas together.

I know that this season can get so busy, but won’t you take a moment and reserve this date on your calendar?  What a blessing for us to celebrate our Savior’s birth and to join together in such a special time of fellowship.

I am really looking forward to seeing you there!

And, don’t forget—This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent.  There are special daily Advent prayer guides available for you and your family.  Be sure to grab one Sunday.  Can’t wait!

Love and Prayers,

Pastor Brad


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